Capital Lifestyles Magazine is the premier source for the best in residential design and construction in Central Missouri. With over 25 years of publication, our content and industry partnerships have built a powerful resource for builders, subcontractors, designers and homeowners. You’ll see beautiful interiors and innovative architecture, with page after page of photos illustrating everything from the latest looks to timeless classics. Our editorial voice and artful presentation of interiors and landscapes help readers find their style and provide inspiration for their projects.
3 Issues
August: Remodel
direct mailed
Reaches over 10,000 Jefferson City area households
We're local
Jefferson City owned and published
community partners
Our magazine that makes an impact in the community. We introduce our readers to the teams who bring the projects to life—and we take these partnerships very seriously. Capital Lifestyles is mid-Missouri’s best friend to the building and design community. We have established a long-standing exclusive relationship with the HBA of Central Missouri who has endorsed Capital Lifestyles since 1994. The HBA has a far-reaching impact on the community, and we are honored to have their full support.